
更新时间:2023-07-10 20:57:23 作者:桔子生活


1. Taipingyang Jin Dian Ren Sheng is a type of insurance product provided by Taipingyang Insurance Company. It is an investment-linked insurance policy that offers both wealth accumulation and protection benefits. The policy is suitable for individuals who want to invest and protect their financial future.

2. The premium for Taipingyang Jin Dian Ren Sheng varies based on factors such as age, gender, smoking habits, health status, and the amount of coverage chosen. The minimum premium for the policy is RMB 10,000 per year, and there is no maximum premium limit.

3. The benefits of Taipingyang Jin Dian Ren Sheng include death benefit, accidental death benefit, accidental dismemberment benefit, total and permanent disability benefit, critical illness benefit, and hospitalization benefit. The policy also offers a loyalty bonus and a terminal bonus, which are determined based on the performance of the underlying investment funds.

4. The policy term for Taipingyang Jin Dian Ren Sheng is flexible, ranging from 5 years to 30 years. The policyholder can choose the length of the term based on their financial goals and needs. The policy also allows for partial withdrawals and loan options to provide flexibility and liquidity.

5. In conclusion, the cost of Taipingyang Jin Dian Ren Sheng depends on various factors such as age, gender, and coverage amount. The policy offers both protection and investment benefits, making it an attractive option for individuals who want to secure their financial future while potentially earning returns on their investments.



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