
更新时间:2023-10-05 13:27:27 作者:桔子生活

晚上用英语怎么说上用英语怎么说?1. In the eveningWhen we want to refer to the time from late afternoon until nightfall, we can use the phrase “in the evening”. For example, “Let’s meet for dinner in the evening.”2. At nightIf we want to talk about the time when it is dark outside, we can use the phrase “at night”. For instance, “I usually prefer to read a book at night.”3. During nighttimeWe can also use “during nighttime” to refer to the time when it is dark outside. For example, “I have trouble sleeping during nighttime.”4. After darkThis phrase is often used to indicate the time after the sun has set. So, “I prefer to take walks after dark when the streets are not crowded.”5. At duskThis phrase refers to the time when the sun is setting and the sky is orange and pink. So, “I like to take photographs at dusk when the light is perfect.”6. At dawnThis phrase refers to the time when the sun is rising and the sky is pink and purple. So, “I wake up early to go for a jog at dawn.”In conclusion, there are various ways to refer to the time when it is dark outside or when the sun is setting or rising. We can use “in the evening”, “at night”, “during nighttime”, “after dark”, “at dusk”, and “at dawn” to describe nighttime.




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