
更新时间:2023-10-19 13:24:37 作者:桔子生活


1. Graduation, the ceremony to mark the completion of academic studies, marks the end of an important chapter in one's life. In English, we refer to it simply as "graduation".

2. Whether it's completing high school, college, or a graduate program, graduation is a momentous occasion that is celebrated with family, friends, and peers. It's a time to reflect on all the hard work and dedication required to earn the degree or diploma.

3. In the United States, graduation ceremonies usually take place in the spring and involve a formal procession, speeches from honored guests, and the conferring of degrees. Graduates wear special caps and gowns, and are recognized by name as they walk across the stage to receive their diploma.

4. As an international student, graduation may hold even greater significance, as you've likely overcome language barriers, cultural differences, and other challenges to achieve success. It's an opportunity to celebrate your accomplishments and the unique journey that brought you to this moment.

5. Ultimately, graduation is a time to look ahead to the future, and to new opportunities and challenges that await. Congratulations on this achievement, and best of luck in all your future endeavors!




2024-04-03 15:16



2024-05-16 08:36

unique是什么意思啊 unique解释

1、意思:唯一的,仅有的; 独一无二的,独特的; 不平常的,特别的; 超绝;2、unique style 独特的风格3、unique feature 特色;特性;独到之处4、unique opportunity 唯

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