
更新时间:2023-12-01 15:30:14 作者:桔子生活


1. In English, there are many ways to express the idea of "but" or contrast. The most common ones include "however," "nevertheless," "yet," and "still." For example, instead of saying "I want to go to the party, but I have to study," you can say "I want to go to the party. However, I have to study."

2. "However" is the most formal and professional way to express contrast. It is often used in business documents, academic papers, and presentations. "Nevertheless" is a slightly less formal option that can be used in both formal and informal settings. "Yet" and "still" are more casual and conversational. They are often used in spoken English and informal writing.

3. In addition to these words, there are also phrases that can express the idea of "but" or contrast. For example, "on the other hand," "in contrast," "despite this," and "although" can all be used to introduce a contrasting idea or a contrasting situation.

4. It is important to choose the appropriate word or phrase based on the context and level of formality. Using a casual word like "yet" in a formal setting may make you sound unprofessional, while using a too formal word like "however" in a casual conversation may make you sound stiff or pretentious.

5. To summarize, there are many ways to express the idea of "but" or contrast in English. Some common options include "however," "nevertheless," "yet," and "still." In addition, there are also phrases that can be used to introduce a contrasting idea. It is important to choose the appropriate word or phrase based on the context and level of formality.



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