
更新时间:2023-07-05 19:53:49 作者:桔子生活


1. What is the Chinese meaning of "考研"?

"考研" is the abbreviation of "研究生考试" in Chinese, which means the graduate entrance examination. It is a comprehensive and competitive examination for Chinese college students who wish to pursue further studies for a Master's or PhD degree.

2. Why do so many Chinese students take "考研"?

There are several reasons why "考研" is so popular in China. Firstly, a higher degree means better job opportunities, higher salaries, and social status. Secondly, some college graduates are not satisfied with their undergraduate studies and hope to gain more knowledge and skills in their chosen field. Additionally, some students choose to take "考研" as a way of delaying their entrance into the job market, which can be highly competitive.

3. What subjects are tested in "考研"?

The specific subjects tested in "考研" vary depending on the student's chosen discipline and program. However, there are some common subjects that are tested across the board such as Chinese literature, foreign language, mathematics, politics, and history.

4. How can I prepare for "考研"?

To prepare for "考研", you need to start early, plan ahead, and be disciplined. Firstly, you should research the specific requirements and subjects for your chosen program and craft a study plan accordingly. Secondly, you should take advantage of various resources such as test preparation materials, online courses, and study groups to enhance your knowledge and skillset. Finally, practice is key, so you should take as many practice tests as possible to familiarize yourself with the test format and timing.

5. What are the benefits of taking "考研"?

The benefits of taking "考研" are numerous. Firstly, a higher degree means expanded job opportunities and higher salaries. Secondly, in China, there is a certain level of societal prestige and respect that comes with holding an advanced degree. Furthermore, the experience of preparing for "考研" can be highly beneficial for personal growth and self-discipline, as well as improving one's knowledge and skills in their chosen field.


In summary, "考研" is an important and highly competitive examination in China, with many benefits for those who successfully pass. To prepare for "考研", students need to be disciplined, focused, and strategic in their study efforts. While "考研" can be challenging, the rewards of obtaining an advanced degree are worth the effort for many Chinese college students.




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